Saturday, April 30, 2011

So it begins.

I thank the Lord and my lucky stars that we have a beautiful roof over our head, food in our cupboards, gas in our cars and the kitties are fat because we can still give them treats. We may not have that tomorrow. Like may households today, we are struggling. We’ve been floating along, but now we are headed toward choppy waters. It’s to the point that I can’t have Starbucks daily and I only get my nails done every three weeks instead of two. WOE IS ME! *ahem* So I’ve decided to tighten my purse strings even more and get serious about how to afford to survive and still have my foofoo coffee and purdy nails. Thank goodness for the internet and reality television!

I’ve always clipped coupons, but I’ve never been organized about it. I forget I have them, lose them, or they expire. If I do remember them I only save a few dollars here and there. It tickles me, but I’m sure others are thinking AMATEUR! So what do you do? I’ve read magazine articles and watched TV shows on how people are using coupons and paying next to nothing at the grocery store. I’m just left thinking WHAT? HOW HOW HOW?

I live in MONTANA. I lot of people don’t even know we exist up here. How do you find deals and save like them thar city folk? Yes, we have the internet and Sunday papers. My zip code only goes so far and we get snubbed coupon wise. I learned that last week.

I went on a mini-vacay to Seattle and Portland. (that’s another blog, someday) and got Sunday papers from there as well as Idaho. It was couponpaloosa! I got our local paper and only a fraction of the same coupons were in it. W.T.F!!!!

I have some serious scheming to do if I want to save like the big dawgs. 

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